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I am Masoud Moghaddam (pen name: Max Adams), the author of several books and articles and a researcher with 30 years of experience in fields such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, social media, and UFOlogy. My current passion is sharing my years of knowledge and experience with the public through both social media and traditional media.
My Story & Achievments
I began learning about and using computers in the early days of desktop computing. Since then, I have passionately pursued a career in this field, serving as a developer and advisor to numerous companies and individuals over the past few decades. I am the author of four books on topics including Artificial Intelligence, Business Resiliency, and Mindfulness, as well as more than ten scientific articles published in recent years, which are showcased as follows:
(2017 – 2018) Authored & Published 3 Books in Business Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence
(2024) Authored & Published (How to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind in 21 Nights)
(2018 - 2022) Published Eight Scientific Articles in Accredited Science Journals
Neural Network Driven Artificial Super Intelligence Based on Internet of Things and Big Data - July 26th ,2018
A General Approach to Business Resilience System (BRS) - Sep 15th ,2018
3. Artificial Intelligence Resiliency with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Components - Aug 31st 2019
4. From Business Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence - Jan 20th, 2019
5. Deep Learning Limitations and Flaws - Jan 29th ,2019
6. Engineering Way of Stopping the Pandemic - A Realistic Path Forward with help from Artificial Intelligence – Jan 16th ,2021
7. Electrical Brain Stimulation to Treat Neurological Disorder Feb 8th, 2019
8. Energy Driven by Internet of Things, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Apr 5th ,2022
9. What is Cryptocurrency? Is it a Threat to Our National Security, Domestically and Globally? Feb 5th, 2022
10. Cost-Effectively Detecting, Preventing and Mitigating Cyber Threats to Nuclear Energy Systems - Mar 10th 2022
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